Anti-Racism Resources and Action Steps

Since George Floyd was murdered on May 25th, I’ve taken a pause in my personal and professional life to listen, learn and figure out what I can do right now and in the future. 

George’s murder has hit me hard. For three years, I lived on Chicago Avenue in South Minneapolis. I worked in downtown Minneapolis for almost a decade. It’s maddening to think such a cruel and senseless act of injustice took place where I once called home.

But this isn’t about me, or how I feel. It is, however, about what I’m doing, and what you can be doing, to support Black people in this country to ensure situations like this are no longer acceptable.

The ways we are working to educate ourselves, lead conversations and do better in our homes and communities can have lasting effects. But it starts by taking responsibility for what we choose to learn about and dig into, even though it may be uncomfortable and difficult.

Below, you will find the resources I’m consuming and steps I have been taking (and will continue to pursue) to learn more about systemic racism and how to be an ally to Black Americans.

I urge you to explore your own biases and blindspots on the issue. It is truly the only way we can make a change.

I’m listening.

Lately, I’ve been seeking to add different perspectives into the media I consume and one way I can do that is through podcasts. 

The past few months, I’ve been listening to and loving The Moms Called to More podcast by Deanna Mason of Refreshed Moms and Keli Reese of Ministry in Mothering. 

In particular, I recommend the episode on Facebook marketing with my dear friend Enrika Greathouse of Small Gorilla. Enrika is multi-talented… dancer, web designer, branding expert, Facebook marketing wiz and one of the best humans I know. 

And as a new mama, I found the recent episode titled Dear Mama, Please Stop... Discounting Your Worth to be incredibly insightful. Deanna and Keli’s discussion on comparison that was powerful and enlightening. 

Deanna and Keli have done a couple in a series of these Dear Mama episodes and I’m looking forward to all of them. The next one in my queue is about neglecting your emotions. 

I’m learning.

I’ve become a patron of The Great Unlearn by Rachel Cargle so that I can start unlearning and relearning.

One of the most unexpected lessons I’ve had to face is how deeply ingrained racism is in American society. It affects everything. But knowing this and relearning how to be a part of the solution is key, and Rachel leads the discussion with grace and clarity.

I’m also learning by reading more books and I’ve compiled a reading list:

  • White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo

  • Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America by Ibram X. Kendi

  • How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi

  • The Price of the Ticket by James Baldwin

I’m taking action.

For me, action looks like amplifying the voices and businesses of people of color. And I’m committed to being more open to learning moments and conversations that come up in my work with them. 

Listening. Learning. Taking action.

It doesn’t feel like enough but I’m also recognizing that I have to start from where I am. 

If there are additional resources you recommend, please send them my way. You can contact me here

P.S. I’m doing my best here. I’m not looking for any cookies. If you ever notice me being insensitive, please kindly point it out to me. I know I have blindspots, but I can only see them with a little help from my friends. Thank you for being here.

Additional Resources


What to Include in The Contract When Hiring A Freelancer


3 Ways to Manage Your Team During Uncertain Times